Our story


Some of you know me as Brandon Wade, the Founder & CEO of Seeking.com. Some of you may also know that I graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with my BS and MBA. What most of you may not know is that I am 51, my given name is Brandon Wey, and, even though I founded one of the most successful dating sites in the world, I was completely clueless about love until quite recently. Now that I have met and understand true love, all I want is to focus on and learn more about embodying and spreading love.


Dana Rosewall is my soulmate. She is 21 years old, and she is wrapping up an Economics degree at the University of Central Florida (UCF). In my eyes, Dana is an awakened being who has in the past year taught me how to live my life as my five-year-old self.

Our story

When I was young, I lacked self-confidence and that, in turn, left me lacking female attention. Noticing my lack, my mother told me to focus on my education. She reasoned that “one day you will be successful, and the dating game will turn in your favor”.

Years later, after graduating from MIT and building a successful career, my love life continued to suffer. Taking matters into my own hands, I coded day and night for a month straight to build what is now Seeking.com.

September 25, 2014

After launching Seeking.com, my dating life became so “successful” that I mistakenly believed the formula to a healthy dating life was centered around wealth and not love. On September 25, 2014, I arrogantly wrote an op-ed for CNN titled, “Love doesn’t exist” and added that “Love is a concept invented by poor people”. Boy was I wrong.

Despite having a busy dating life, my lack and desire continued to drive me from relationship to relationship and from one failed marriage to another. Eventually, I became convinced I needed multiple partners in order to feel more love, and I began openly identifying myself as non-monogamous.

On July 16, 2020, my 50th birthday, I was convinced my experiment with non-monogamy and polyamory was a miserable failure. I spent that day alone, reflecting on my busy dating life but failed love life.

In August, I was feeling depressed and decided to call a psychic for advice. The psychic told me that I will soon be relocating, I will soon meet someone special and she sees marriage in my cards. I was unconvinced because I had already sworn never to marry again after my last divorce.

Listen to the psychic reading

The beginning

A few weeks after the psychic reading, Dana joined Seeking.com and wrote me a message when she saw my profile on the website. I responded and we spoke over the phone that evening for over 3 hours. Sensing there was a genuine connection, I asked Dana if I could fly to Florida to take her out to dinner. She agreed.

Exactly 6 years after I declared that “Love doesn’t exist”, I met Dana for the first time. At the end of our first date, Dana saw through all the barriers I had up and told me, “I know you are looking for love. Let me show you, true love.”

The move to Florida

As they say, “When you know, you know.” A month after meeting Dana, trusting my intuition, and in a rather out-of-character move, I purchased a home in Florida so that I can be closer to Dana.

My relationship with Dana is different in so many ways. Being used to meeting people who focused on what I can do or buy for them, Dana showed me her intention was different from the start. She didn’t ask for anything and instead regularly gave me thoughtful and meaningful gifts. She created a safe space for me in our relationship, allowing me to be vulnerable and to make mistakes.  

The spiritual journey

Our spiritual journey started in 2021 when Dana attended a week-long meditation retreat with me. Having never meditated before, Dana transcended during her third meditation.

In 2021, while others were fearful of Covid and shunned travel, Dana and I did the exact opposite. We traveled the world (carefully and responsibly), visiting the Maldives, Egypt, Italy, Greece, France, and the United Kingdom. While we explored the world, we also explored the transcendental state as well as our inner psyche to better understand what it means to be human and to be humans in love.

With Dana’s help, I began to awaken. In the process, I realized I had been living the first 50 years of my life unconscious and running an automated self-defense program called my Ego. My Ego misguides me – like our Ego misguides all of us – to crave and chase temporary feelings of excitement and happiness whenever I feel lack and desire, but it was and never will be enough. Only when I began to set aside my Ego did I begin to understand and feel true love.

The soulmate proposal

Exactly 7 years after I wrote that CNN article, I proposed to Dana, asking her to be my forever soulmate. I was careful with my choice of our soulmate ring. It had to shine like the spark of true love, yet it cannot be loud or overwhelming because we were not celebrating materialism or any need-based desires. I settled on the Etincelle de Cartier ring.

The framework

October 8, 2021, is a special day for us. While visiting New York City, we became inspired and developed what would soon become our Framework for understanding Love and the nature of one’s Ego (which we hope to soon share in our upcoming book). We decided on getting matching tattoos that evening, the number “108” behind our left ear and “DB” behind our right ear.

The marriage announcement

As a show of true love, Dana and I decided to announce on Valentine’s Day 2022 to get married forever this coming June. Yet this marriage will be unlike any other, because we plan on marrying without conditions, without prenuptial terms, and by legally waiving our right to a divorce.

Just as my life was a mess, the world we live in today is a mess. If you need more proof, just look at what our Ego has created so far - a polluted world, mass extinction of wildlife, divisiveness in our politics and culture, and countries pointing nuclear weapons at each other in order for us to feel safe. But just like true love was the answer to my predicament, true love is also the answer to humanity’s plight.

We hope that our wedding will be a demonstration of the absolute nature of true love and that it will inspire others to embrace love and reject fear. And in doing so, we can all change our lives and the world for the better.

And the first step to embracing love is to understand love. Start by asking yourself the question:

What is love?

Brandon Wey

Live your life in a way that you love yourself for doing it.

Stop living your life so others will love you, especially when most people don’t understand love.

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Dana and I are currently working on content for our upcoming book where we will outline a framework of understanding and embodying true love. We also plan on starting our Podcast soon as we would love to share our understanding of love with you. To stay informed via our newsletter, please provide us with your email address.

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